Reuse’ revisited… a vital marketing innovation challenge

We all know the mantra ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’…. What this is meant to mean is firstly reduce your materials and impacts by changing your product/service, then try reusing your finished products (straight reuse or value added upcycling) then when all else fails, recycle into something else. Somedays it seems folks only think about the last one, but sadly we’re…

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Easyjet vs Ryanair – the Joker’s still beating Batman

Easyjet is in the news again this week – this time, for painting it’s aircraft (8, as a trial) with a nanopolymer coating that reduces friction and therefore fuel use. If it works on the whole fleet, it would reduce fuel bills by up to 2% – and given 40% of easyJet’s costs are fuel, this is no small…

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Kyoto2 – is the Copenhagen conundrum solvable?

As December’s climate talks in Copenhagen draw near, the political shenanigans are rife – today the Guardian report that China and many developing nations think the developed nations are trying to sabotage reaching an agreement on the successor to Kyoto – the agreement to address climate change by cutting carbon emissions through various market and policy mechanisms. So are…

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